Hazchem News & Blogs

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7 Reasons to Choose EU Manufactured FR ARC Workwear

Date: 22/04/2021

  Find out how EU Manufactured HAZTEC® FR ARC Workwear can benefit your Company Preface Whilst reading this article, please note that the core product…

Railway Workwear

HS2 PPE And Railway Workwear On Your Doorstep!

Date: 07/04/2021

SPEEDY DELIVERY, TAILORED ADVICE & A LARGE RANGE OF RIS-3279-TOM GARMENTS Over 30 contracts have been granted to take High Speed Two (HS2), from a plan…

Packaging Or Just Garbage Waiting To Happen?

Date: 19/03/2021

The question is what to do about this ever increasing mountain of waste? As you can imagine, Hazchem Safety Ltd (like many other businesses) generates…

Draeger Hood_Action_600

Choosing Your Escape Hood

Date: 19/03/2021

Escape Hoods for effective self-rescue in the event of Toxic as or Chemical Emission accident An Overview The escape hood is a filtering respiratory protective…

Changes to delivery to ROI and Europe

Date: 01/02/2021

Ensuring your orders to ROI and Europe continue to flow without delays It was a great relief when the UK Government came to an agreement…

PPE Cryyo

Ultra-Low Temperature PPE for Handling of COVID-19 Vaccines

Date: 12/01/2021

Ultra-Low Temperature PPE Supplier for Vaccination Centres and NHS Trusts Why is Specialised Ultra-Low Temperature Protective Equipment Needed at COVID-19 Vaccination Centres? Of the three…

EMEA Flag Map 6.4

EMEA Workwear, PPE and ADR Supplier

Date: 18/12/2020

Following the Williamson-Dickie Workwear announcement of the 9th of December that they will be closing their EMEA business, companies throughout the region have been searching…

High Leg Safety Boots

High Leg Safety Boots

Date: 17/12/2020

Reducing injuries and increasing safety with High Leg Safety Boots In recent years, the availability and popularity of high leg safety boots has steadily increased….

Safe Handling and Transport of Dry Ice

Dry Ice Safe Handling & Transportation

Date: 09/12/2020

Cryogenic protection, defending you against cold burns and frostbite Dry Ice Safe Handling & Transporting (UN 1845) With the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine having to be…

Calor Lorry Image blog feature

LNG Driver Safety – Helping you Fuel A Cleaner Future

Date: 25/11/2020

No.1 protection for drivers when refuelling with LNG, the fastest growing gas supply source In this time of heightened awareness around the benefits of reducing…


The Importance of PPE in The Oil & Gas Industries

Date: 17/11/2020

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, THE FINAL LINE OF DEFENCE Since the Covid 19 pandemic hit, the acronym PPE has become much more common place, but in…

Hand Sanitiser Feature

Safe Storage of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitiser

Date: 16/10/2020

Reduce the Risk of Fires with Safe Storage of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitisers     Q: What are the fire hazards relating to alcohol-based hand…

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