HAZTEC Flame Resistant and ARC Workwear is manufactured in Europe. Find out how choosing HAZTEC can contribute to your company Net Zero targets.


Net Zero Benefits

Less Road Miles

Fabrics and components sourced, tested and put together in Europe, only have to be transported a minimal distance to reach the UK.

With a shorter transport distance, less greenhouse gas emissions are produced, aiding in the collective journey towards net zero.

Shorter Lead Times

The time taken for a product to be produced and shipped to our UK location from the EU is much less than those lead times from the Asian continent.

EU manufacturing allows us to have product on our shelves in as little as 4-5 weeks from the start of the process, and in some circumstances, or for product trials we have been able to produce garments in as little as 2 weeks.

Specifying EU CE certified technical workwear means you can get what you need, when you need it, with fewer instances of ‘out of stock’, making sure your team never have to wait as long for their technical workwear.

Assurance/Quality Control

HAZTEC® FR ARC workwear is produced in the EU, with an Inline quality control system and an auditing process known as either Module D (previously Article 11B), or Module C2 (previously Article 11A).

These QC systems are audited by a 3rd party company, ensuring each garment meets the original specification of the CE certificate and is consistent in design and functionality.

CE and UKCA marked approval

Flame Resistant and ARC Flash garments are designed to provide a high level of wearer protection in some of the most dangerous working environments and applications, to increase the chances of workers surviving potentially fatal accidents.

To ensure you provide your team with FR ARC Workwear that offers the highest level of protection, you should ensure that the finished product is correctly CE certified (and for UK clients, now also UKCA marked) – and manufactured with fabric and components that are traceable, tested, certified and quality assessed in accordance with the original product certification.

It is a requirement of the Certification process that each and every product that is produced matches the original CE/UKCA certification. These are the basic rules of any PPE Certification that ensures that in the event of an accident or product recall, the original source of each component or process in a product is traceable and any defect identified.

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