Module D Certification
Module D Certification for Category III PPE under PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425
Module D certification is required for the production of Protective Clothing that falls under the Category III under PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425
About Module D Certification
Module D certification is required for the production of Protective Clothing that falls under the Category III under PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425. This type of protective clothing is designed to protect the wearers in hazardous/life threatening work environments.
Hazchem Safety Ltd is Module D certified through INSPEC International who audit our Quality Control system documentation.
What is involved?
This also includes the auditing of production sites and other premises that are included in the quality system, including head offices and warehousing facilities. Once the auditor has confirmed that our systems our system can produce the Protective Clothing that conforms to the original model, in conjunction with the Regulation and relevant standards, then a Module D certificate is issued.
This certificate covers specific models listed and is usually issued for a pre-defined period of time. The Quality Control system is monitored on a ongoing basis by carrying out surveillance audits, generally once a year.
Why are we Module D certified?
Hazchem Safety undertook the Module D certification process in order to be able to produce the HAZTEC® Flame Resistant, Antistatic and ARC Flash protective workwear. It is the ARC flash properties of these products that demands that we are Module D certified – standard FR (Flame Resistant), AS (Antistatic) Workwear come under the Cat II protective clothing and is certified by a single CE certification process, with the responsibility for Hazchem Safety to ensure continued production in accordance with the original model.
The Notified Body Number
You can also find the Notified Body number who manages any 3rd party auditing like Module D, by checking to see if there are 4 digits after the CE mark on the product concerned. You fill find this on many products including ARC Workwear, Chemical Protective Workwear and Respiratory products to name a few.
For further information on the range of HAZTEC® Flame Resistant, Antistatic and ARC Flash protective workwear you can click on the button below.