Health & Safety Policy (ISO45001 & ISO18001)
Our Commitment to Preventing Injury & Illness Within the Business
Working in accordance with the ISO45001:2018 & ISO18001 Global Standards to eliminate the risk of harm.
Version 1.3 Updated September 2023
Hazchem Safety Ltd specialises in the supply and distribution of safety workwear, PPE and janitorial products.
Purpose and Scope
Hazchem Safety Ltd recognises its legal and moral responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees and other persons at the workplace. Our Policy drives the prevention of injury and illness in our business with the commitment of the Director and senior management.
Health and Safety Objectives
- To proactively target known sources of injury and illness and prevent them from occurring
- To provide adequate resources to maintain an effective health and safety program
- To ensure employees are instructed and trained in organisational health and safety procedures, foreseeable hazard and risk controls
- To comply with the Health and Safety Act and applicable Regulations
- To consult with employees on health and safety issues both directly and through the Health and Safety Committee
- To exercise due diligence by taking reasonable steps to acquire and keep current information on work health and safety matters
- To ensure that all employees and other persons at the workplace take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other who may be affected by their actions or omissions
- To establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the effectiveness of health and safety in accordance with the ISO 45001:2018 & ISO18001 global standards.
Management and all employees are expected to work cooperatively to effectively implement this policy.
This Health and Safety Policy is communicated to all persons working for or on half of the organisation and is made available to the public if requested.
This Policy is endorsed by the Executive Management of Hazchem Safety Ltd.
If you have any questions regarding our health & safety policy, give the team a call on +44(0)1280 841400 or email