
Hazchem Safety footwear offshore V12 Footwear The Comfort Fit System feature

V12 Safety Footwear reducing slips and trips

Date: 10/02/2022

V12 Safety Footwear – Premium Footwear for the Workplace V12 Footwear is a Great British brand and has been leading the way for over 20…

Calor Lorry Image blog feature

LNG Driver Safety – Helping you Fuel A Cleaner Future

Date: 25/11/2020

No.1 protection for drivers when refuelling with LNG, the fastest growing gas supply source In this time of heightened awareness around the benefits of reducing…


The Importance of PPE in The Oil & Gas Industries

Date: 17/11/2020

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, THE FINAL LINE OF DEFENCE Since the Covid 19 pandemic hit, the acronym PPE has become much more common place, but in…

Hand Sanitiser Feature

Safe Storage of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitiser

Date: 16/10/2020

Reduce the Risk of Fires with Safe Storage of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitisers     Q: What are the fire hazards relating to alcohol-based hand…

ATEX Torch

Atex Torches

Date: 06/06/2020

WHY DO YOU NEED SPECIALIST ATEX TORCHES? ATEX Torches are often a necessary inclusion in an operatives gear especially when working in confined, or tight…

Fuel Bowser Regulations

New Regulations For Fuel Bowsers

Date: 06/06/2020

New Regulations for Fuel Bowsers   A new regulation surrounding the 15-year exemption of transportation of fuel bowsers that don’t meet the ADR requirements ends…

Inherent vs Treated

Inherent vs Treated Fabrics- What’s the difference?

Date: 06/06/2020

Cotton is primarily the choice of many apparel makers and used in nearly all types of workwear, frequently in a polyester/cotton blend. However, where the…

Hazchem Warehouse Wave Machine Featured

Transport And Logistics And Hazchem

Date: 06/06/2020

TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS AT HAZCHEM Improvements to Serve You Better Exciting times at Hazchem The last three years at Hazchem have been very exciting…