Dual Purpose Pushback Bunded Storage Unit 64 Drum, 16 IBC

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£19,586.68 excl. VAT.

Our Dual Purpose Pushback Units are designed to store 205 litre drums and 1000 litre IBCs. All units are welded for added strength and are constructed from 2mm profiled mild steel sheet over 100 x 50 x 3mm RHS. They have a fully welded leakproof sump over the entire base area to a depth of 220mm. These units comply with the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001, The Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, EA Guidance Note PPG26, The Health & Safety Executive Guidelines for the Storage Of Flammable Liquids HSG51 and current Health, Safety & Environmental regulations.

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SKU: SC3015 Categories: ,


Our Dual Purpose Pushback Units are designed to store 205 litre drums and 1000 litre IBCs. All units are welded for added strength and are constructed from 2mm profiled mild steel sheet over 100 x 50 x 3mm RHS. They have a fully welded leakproof sump over the entire base area to a depth of 220mm. These units comply with the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001, The Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, EA Guidance Note PPG26, The Health & Safety Executive Guidelines for the Storage Of Flammable Liquids HSG51 and current Health, Safety & Environmental regulations.

Features and Benefits:

  • High and low level vents and padlockable sliding doors.
  • Space saving Pushback system. The Pushback System allows you to stack pallets/IBC’s, two deep, on one shelf. How does it work? – Place the first pallet on the Pushback cradle, on the shelf, and push back the next pallet against the first one. When you take a pallet off the shelf the next pallet glides forward. Based on a safe, proven, pallet rack.
  • 3350mm (H) x 5900mm (W) x 3300mm (D)
  • 64 Drums, 16 IBC

SKU – SC3015

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3350mm (H) x 5900mm (W) x 3300mm (D)